Consulting with John

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When your true nature is balanced in all nature, your best life happens naturally. I want to help you get there.

My approach to our work together is holistic. This means you can represent a business or yourself; either way, we will find ways to save money, improve mood, and build diversity and resilience. This process is aimed to complete over a 3 month period, adjusting as things and people are available.

Phase 1

First, We look at 3 main aspects of your life or business to find where there are spaces to improve. We then break these 3 into 12 actionable directions to help refine goals and manifest our vision. You’re also given access to the community of people who have come before you in this process.

Phase 2

This is where we take those actionable steps and start applying them to your space and life. We connect you with the people, tools, and resources you need. We continually reaffirm the goals and adjust as we go.

Phase 3

The final phase is where the grand vision from phase 1 takes full manifestation. You should feel confident and empowered to move forward on your own with the changes, resources, and connections. We can stay connected after this phase, though the work is considered complete. Enjoy the abundance that you created!

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